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Association of ideas

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Scarica gratis Association of ideas

Association of ideas

Sterne asserted that according to our mind we can associate image to / with our experience. He can pass from ideas to other linking them with his own head, without any logical connections.

Locke was an English philosopher who lived in the 17th century and he was the 1st who introduced the association of ideas which influenced also Sterne. Locke was an empirist  'cause he started from experience and not from ideas.

Chronological time

It is the external time that's say the time of everyday, it's the same for everyone.

Interior time

It's the time of the mind : according to our mind, sometimes an hour can be very long, it's different for every person.

Tristam Shandy

It is a novel in nine volumes

There isn't story and plot

It's an accumulation of various episodes

Each one of  the character had a hobbyhorse ( Tristam's father for the names and the noses )

The women are considered a men's desire

There is a pessimistic view of love

The story is endless

There are duddles and the style is free, difficult and complicated

Gothic novels

The novels are called "Gothic" because Gothic art is the art of Middle Age

They were setting in darker and wild castle (in Italy), where there are ghost and vampires

The main character are wicked characters who persecuted a poor girl; they could be also villain or mad

Elegy ( Graveyard School )

Thomas Grey wrote an Elegy (poetic composition which mourned someone's death) in a churchyard and this work influenced Foscolo's work. It's a mixture into romantic and classic elements. Romantic in the themes (the poet speak in 1st person narrator) and classic in the language (classic language = poetic diction).

Macpherson ( Graveyard School )

He wrote a work where he collected Ossianic poems. He said he had translated the plays of "Ossiane", who was a celtic poet, and of "Bando" who was a medieval chorister; but, in reality, all those poems were been written by him.  

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