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Theatre of the absurd appunti

The theatre of the absurd
THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD Soon after the 2 world war Paris became the meeting point of playwrights of different nationalities. The most famous ones are Beckett, Ionesco (Rumanian) and Adamov (Russian). The plays were written in the decade ...
The theatre of the absurd
THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD Soon after the 2 world war Paris became the meeting point of playwrights of different nationalities. The most famous ones are Beckett, Ionesco (Rumanian) and Adamov (Russian). The plays were written in the decade ...
Theatres and acting companies
Theatres and acting companies The first permanent theatre was built by James Burbage in 1576. These theatres were circular or octagonal. They were composed of three galleries, looking down on the stage[1], and of the yard[2], were the poore ...
Theatres and acting companies
THEATRES AND ACTING COMPANIES James Burbage in 1576 built the first permanent theatre that were built outside the city because it was considered place of vices. Elizabethan players acting on a variety of stage, for exam ...

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  • Introduzione all'Informatica, Information and Comunication Tecnology, componenti del computer, software, hardware ...